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During your time at Kingsmeadow School you will have the opportunity to take part in a wide variety of activities and events over and above your classroom lessons. We want you to have a full and rounded education, and to be an active member of our school and community. If you choose to take part in the full and active life of Kingsmeadow School then you will be awarded with The Crown Award - levels Bronze, Silver and Gold.


The Crown Award is a significant and challenging award which will help you to demonstrate how committed and positive you are throughout your time at Kingsmeadow and beyond.


In order to achieve the award you must complete at least 12 activities across all six character traits (two or more activities per trait). Once you have completed an activity you use the forms here to log that activity and to add a comment as to how you achieved that activity and what you learnt from it. You must keep a record of the activities you have completed (use a page in your planner). You can only use an activity once - so it needs to be 12 different activities.


Once you feel that you have completed all 12 activities to a high enough standard, you must email Mr Barrett ( to have this signed off to receive your Bronze Crown Award. After this, you can start working towards Silver and Gold.


Good luck, and enjoy it!

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