Frequently Asked Questions

How do I report a school absence?

You can report a school absence by emailing or by telephoning 0191 4606004 (226). All absences should be reported prior to 8:30am each day.

What is the procedure for visitors accessing the site?

All visitors should report to Reception on arrival where a record of their name, company, car registration and whom they are visiting is kept in the visitors’ book. They will be given a Visitor Badge so guests are clearly identified. When they are due to leave they are asked to return to Reception to sign out.

Does the school have disabled access and facilities?

All areas of the site are easliy accessible. There is a lift to the upper floor and in the event that use of the lift is not permitted (in an emergency for example) the school can be exited via Dunston Hill Primary School

If you have specific requirements relating to a disabilty, please contact the school prior to your visit and we will be able to assist you further.

The school has two disabled parking bays at the front of the school site which are clearly marked. These are only to be used by vehicles displaying a blue badge.

Please inform the school of specific needs relating to a disability upon your arrival so we can ensure appropriate assistance is in place for the duration of your visit and, if necessary, in the event of an emergency.

What is the school policy regarding severe or adverse weather?

The decision to close the school in the event of severe weather conditions will be taken by the Headteacher. Situations which develop during school hours can be dealt with as they happen, but when conditions deteriorate overnight the school’s Senior Leadership Team will convene and make a decision regarding possible school closure.

The school website and Twitter feed will be updated and should be checked for the latest information, particularly during the winter months and periods of severe weather. Where appropriate, local radio stations will be contacted to inform parents and parents are advised to listen to local radio stations for announcements concerning school closures.

How can I apply for a place at Kingsmeadow?

More information about how you can apply for your child’s place can be found here.

What are the school term dates?

More information about school term dates can be found here.

What are the timings of the school day?

The school day typically runs from 8:30am until 3:15pm. More information about timings of the day can be found here.

Outside of school tilted

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I purchase school uniform?

School uniform can be purchased exclusively from our uniform partners Michael Sehgal and Sons Limited. Their website can be found here. More information about our school uniform can be found here.

Where can I find copies of your school policies?

Copies of all school policies can be found here. Paper copies can be requested by contacting reception here.

Is car parking available on site?

Public car parking is not available and the car park is strictly for the use of staff and visitors. All visitors must report to reception on arrival and provide a car registration number if applicable.

There are SCHOOL KEEP CLEAR markings at the entrance of the school and vehicles must not stop or park on these markings at any time. Penalty notices may be issued if you are found to be in violation of this.

In order to reduce traffic and safeguard our students, vehicles are not permitted on site between 8:40-9:10am and 3:00-3:30pm and school gates will be closed.

How can I find out my MCAS (My Child At School) login details?

Parents will be informed of MCAS login details via letter or email. If you have misplaced your login details, please contact the school reception for a replacement.

How can I pay for school meals/trips etc?

All school payments can be made via our iPayimpact portal. to access it please click HERE.

Login details can be obtained by contacting the school HERE.

Where can I find out more information or arrange a tour of Kingsmeadow?

If you would like to know about Kingsmeadow School, please use the form HERE to ask a question or to request a telephone call or school visit.

Outside of school from above