Choosing your subject options
The months leading up to moving into Year 10 is an extremely important stage in every child’s education, and in the months leading up to moving in to Year 10 is the time to give consideration to the GCSE and vocational subjects that will be studied in Years 10 and 11.
It is vitally important that careful consideration is given to the option choices our students make in readiness for the spring term, with completion of this by the first half of the summer term.
Attendance is very important in all years, but especially so in the next two years. Controlled assessment and field tasks take place in many of our subjects, and missing any of these will put students at a disadvantage, with the potential to seriously affect good results.
External examinations and coursework occur throughout Years 10 and 11 and the law states that holidays during term time are disallowed.
Subject options booklet and supporting information
An in-depth review of each subject option is available in the booklet alongside an audio presentation about the process – click the buttons to view and download.

Good reasons for choosing a subject option to study
I am choosing my subject options because:
I enjoy the subject.
I am good at the subject.
I am interested in the subject, even though I’ve not studied it before.
I want to study the subject beyond Key Stage 4.
I want to study the subject to be able to follow my chosen career path.
Studying this subject will make sure I have a balanced range of study areas.

Poor reasons for choosing a subject option to study
I am choosing this subject option because my friend has and I don’t want to be separated.
Remember, people are different and what is right for your friend, may not be right for you. Also, even though you’ve chosen the same subject, you may still end up in a different group.
I am choosing subjects based on who is the teacher is.
At the point of choosing subject options it is not possible to determine our teaching timetable, so this may not have an effect on your choices.

The curriculum structure and choices
All students study six core subjects at Key Stage 4 level and these are English, Mathematics, Science, Spanish, one Humanities subject and Physical Education.
In Year 10, students will study a mixture of core subjects and their subject options.

What are vocational courses?
Vocational courses are work-related subject options. They are an important part of the school’s curriculum and students are guided towards the most appropriate subject for them.
Offered at Key Stage 4, vocational courses are an accredited alternative to some GCSE courses. They are full, nationally recognised qualifications, and success can lead to further study at Advanced Vocational level post 16 years old. They also relate strongly to the world of work and are a good route into an apprenticeship.
Final option choices
Students will receive online Subject Options by email following the combined Subject Specific and Options information evening which is scheduled for Thursday 13 February 2025. Every effort will be made to give the students their preferred option choices. However, there are occasions when this is not possible because:
The groups are too large
The groups are too small
Some inappropriate choices have been made
Flexibility is key to ensure all students are placed into subjects that they want to study so please think seriously about your subject option choices. You will be invited to put forward three choices, of which you will study two.