Physical education
Our PE Department strives to develop students’ physical skills and tactical awareness to allow them to perform highly in a range of physical activities. We also promote a healthy, active lifestyle and give students the necessary knowledge to incorporate into their lifelong learning.

Year 7, 8 and 9 students
Students in Years 7, 8 and 9 participate in two hours of Physical Education per week. Practical performance is assessed formally three times a year against three domains across a variety of sports.
Domain 1
Outwitting opponents
Assessing student’s ability to apply a range of tactics across invasion, net and wall and striking and fielding sports to successfully outwit an opponent.
Domain 2
The effects of exercise and healthy living
A student’s ability to articulate the effects of exercise on the body in the short and long term and understand the benefits of leading a healthy active lifestyle.
Domain 3
Performing at maximal levels
A student’s ability to recognise effective performance to achieve optimal performance. Setting personal goals and aiming to improve on these.
Students receive a Beginning, Developing, Secure or Excellence grade after each Key Assessment based on their understanding and performance. An average of all three Key Assessments determines the overall mark at the end of the year.
In practical lessons students learn about practical skills, techniques, rules, and regulations alongside learning about the importance of warming up, cooling down, the effects of exercise on the body and the importance of leading a healthy active lifestyle.
Students are encouraged to be aspirational and perform to the highest of levels by setting themselves goals and ambitious standards, and seeking ways improve on their progress.
Year 10 and 11 students
Students in Years 10 and 11 have one hour of practical Physical Education per week and are assessed on their attitude to learning and graded from 1 to 4 based upon their effort, quality of performance, commitment, organisational skills and being fully equipped for lessons.
In addition to their core PE lesson, students following the OCR Sport Studies course receive two one hour lessons each week. Lessons are a combination of theory and practical work, the majority of which is classroom-based study of three units over two years.
One externally assessed unit.
40% of marks towards the final grade
An examination taken at the end of the second year of the course.
One practical unit
40% of marks towards the final grade
A controlled assessment at the end of the first year of the course.
One theory unit
20% of marks towards the final grade
A controlled assessment in January of the second year of the course.