Well done to all of our students with 100% attendance at so far this term. This is a fantastic achievement, and we thank our parents and carers for their support in ensuring excellent attendance.
As we head into autumn and the weather becomes more challenging, we have encouraged our students to continue showing resilience, one of our key school values. We know this time of year can be tough, but with the support of our parents and carers, we can help them maintain their strong attendance.
As a token of our appreciation, every student with 100% attendance for the half term received a big chocolate bar and a special commemorative notecard to mark their achievement. Additionally, for each week they maintain 100% attendance, they will be entered into our weekly prize draw for a chance to win exciting rewards.
We also gave students rewards cards, gift cards and two delicious 20 inch pizzas and a trophy went to each of the top three form groups with the best attendance score this half term. The winners were Premier League Winners – 11E, Championship Winners – 7I, and League 1 Winners – 7D.