December 13, 2024


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Kingsmeadow from the outside

We want to welcome new voices to our Board of Governors and encourage our parents, grandparents and carers to take up an exciting opportunity to make a real difference to our school. 

We are recruiting to the role of Parent Governor to join our Board and contribute ideas and support the school to continue to open future doors of opportunities for all of its students.

Being a Parent Governor is a voluntary position, but the impact you can make is invaluable. The role is a great way to get the wider community involved too, and help the school to continue its work and development that is focused around our core values of integrity, resilience and respect.

Read more about this exciting opportunity by downloading the Parent Governor information sheet below and watch the short video from our Headteacher. The deadline for self-nominations is Friday 10 January 2025.

To find out more watch this short video message from our Headteacher, Mr Barrett.

Download the Parent Governor information sheet.

Complete the Parent Governor Self-nomination Form.